Accredition Software

AIMS > Accredition Software


From a broader perspective, the NAAC has a 5-fold vision. 

  1. To organize periodic assessment and accreditation of institutions, units, specific academic programs/projects of higher education.
  2. To promote the quality of teaching-learning and research in the higher education academic environment.
  3. To stimulate areas like self-evaluation, accountability, autonomy, and innovations.
  4. To get involved in research studies, consultancy and training programs.
  5. To foster stakeholder collaboration for quality evaluation, promotion, and sustenance. NAAC maintains or upholds the quality of HEIs through collaboration, stakeholder involvement, by bringing more accountability, transparency, and self-evaluation systems. 

The new process Student Satisfaction Survey, Data Verification, and Validation that augments the whole objective of NAAC. 
Here is the order of the nationally accepted NAAC process:

  1. HEIs registration in the NAAC website.
  2. Institutional Information for Quality Assessment (IIQA).
  3. Self-Study Report (SSR) Quantitative Metrics submission on acceptance of IIQA (On rejection, an institute has 2 attempts to RESUME the IIA form within 1 year).
  4. Proceed to Data Validation & Verification (DVV) process and Pre-qualifier Score.
  5. Preparation towards the Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS).
  6. Onsite Peer Visit by NAAC.
  7. NAAC announces the Institutional Grading.

What are NAAC Criteria and weightages? 
NAAC critically focuses on getting a criteria-based assessment into the following seven areas of higher education. 

  1. Curricular Aspects
  2. Teaching & Learning, Evaluation 
  3. Research, Consultancy, and Extensions 
  4. Infrastructure and Learning Resources 
  5. Student Support and Progression 
  6. Governance, Leadership, and Management 
  7. Institutional Values & Best Practices 


NBA stands for the national board of accreditation which is an accreditation agency representing India similar like NAAC to recognize higher level engineering qualifications and various technical institutions on the basis of the quality of education and educational facilities provided there. 

NBA Accreditation is necessary to improve the quality of Students graduating from professional institutes. NBA Accreditation helps you to improve your internal processes and do assessment and evaluation of the same. NBA accredited degrees help the student in gaining good employment opportunities across the world. 

The NBA Software is fully enabled to get data collation for getting the NBA Accreditation for technical institutes. 

Below are the Accreditation Criteria

  1. Criterion 1- Vision, Mission and Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) 
  2. Criterion 2- Program Curriculum and Teaching-Learning Processes 
  3. Criterion 3- Course Outcomes and Program Outcomes 
  4. Criterion 4 – Students’ Performance 
  5. Criterion 5 – Faculty Information and Contribution 
  6. Criterion 6 – Facilities and Technical Support 
  7. Criterion 7- Continuous Improvement 
  8. Criterion 8 –First Year Academics 
  9. Criterion 9 –Student Support Systems 
  10. Criterion 10 – Governance, Institutional Support and Financial Resources  


The National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) is a methodology adopted by the Ministry of Education, Government of India, to rank institutions of higher education in India. This framework outlines a methodology to rank institutions across the country. The methodology draws from the overall recommendations broad understanding arrived at by a Core Committee set up by MHRD, to identify the broad parameters for ranking various universities and institutions.  

  1. Teaching, Learning and Resources 
  2. Research and Professional Practices 
  3. Graduation Outcomes 
  4. Outreach and Inclusivity 
  5. Perception